[News From SheridanMedia.com]
District 22 Senator Dave Kinskey and District 21 Senator Bo Biteman appeared on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program to summarize the efforts that were made by state lawmakers during the seven day special session.
At the conclusion of the session Wyoming Senate President Dan Dockstader and Speaker of the House Eric Barlow issued a joint statement. According to the joint statement, the 2021 Special Session House Enrolled Act 1 clearly articulates the belief of the majority of Wyoming residents that the decision to receive a COVID-19 vaccine is a personal choice.
This sentiment is shared by the majority of Wyoming lawmakers as echoed by Kinskey while he explained what the Biden Administration mandates could mean for the Cowboy State’s industries and employees, calling the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s emergency temporary standards “blackmail.”
Sen. D. Kinskey
During the session 21 unique bills were introduced in both houses. Thirteen of those bills were heard and debated on the floor and in the committees of the Senate or House of Representatives.
Of the bills that were able to get to the floor, Biteman said three were debated, and one passed, House Bill 1002.
Sen. B. Biteman
The bill allows for appropriation of $4 million to be appropriated from the General Fund to be placed in a fund to be used by Wyoming Attorney General Bridget Hill in her ongoing efforts to fight the mandates in the courtroom.
To view House Bill 1002 in its entirety, click here.
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Last modified: November 11, 2021