James Carroll, one of the oldest settlers in Sheridan County, died at the state hospital in Sheridan this morning after an illness that extended over a year.
Death was due to cancer of the stomach. He settled on land near the mouth of Murphy Gulch 32 years ago, and made his home there until his death.
Cupid appeared to be loafing on the job in Sheridan County last year. According to the county clerk, only 149 marriage licenses were issued in 1914, compared to 163 issued the year before.
The Golden Rule store in downtown Sheridan is having a big sale starting tomorrow. The best in calicoes just 4 cents per yard, limit 10 yards to a customer. The latest styles in ladies’ all-wool serge dresses are just $4.85, and one lot of men’s overcoats are $7.75 each.
Last modified: January 22, 2015