Workmen began clearing debris yesterday from the site of the flouring mill on West Dow Street.
The mill burned last Wednesday night. The Sheridan Manufacturing company owns the land. L.F. Traphagen, who is manager of the manufacturing company, announced this morning that the mill will be rebuilt immediately.
Sheridan city councilors in a meeting this morning passed a resolution for the laying of sidewalks in portions of the city where walks are needed. These sites include Grinnell avenue between Gould and Broadway, Broadway between Grinnell and Alger avenue, the south side of Alger between Main Street and Broadway, Mandell Street between Main and Broadway, and Gould Street between Alger and Dow Street.
Visitors in Sheridan today include H.E. Anderson of Dayton and E.H. Schemel of Ranchester.
Last modified: May 13, 2015