A Look Back in Time: Oct. 15, 1920

October 15, 2020

After being blocked for 21 hours due to the wreck yesterday, the main line of the Burlington at Wakely was cleared at 1:20 o’clock this morning. H. J. Thomas, county agricultural agent, left this afternoon for Arvada where he will meet the Burlington “better farming” special, which is in Arvada today. The train will be in Clearmont and Ulm later today and tomorrow and in Sheridan Sunday.</p>
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<p>Humphrys has a beautiful line of new velvet tams in all colors.</p>
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<p>Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cato of Big Horn entertained Mr. and Mrs. Johanna of the Overland Motor Co. at a birthday dinner. Mrs. Cato’s and Mrs. Johanna’s birthdays fall on the same date.</p>
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Last modified: October 15, 2020

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