School District Two Seeks Public Input on the Former Holly Seed Property

October 12, 2021

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Sheridan County School District Two is seeking public input on property they recently required. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.

School District Two Seeks Public Input on the Former Holly Seed Property

In January of this year, School District Two closed on the purchase of the Holly Seed property, located on 5th Street just south of Sheridan High School. The purchase was made using a $1.4 million donation from Scotty and Janet Scott. The District Two School Board’s Capital Construction Committee has set a goal to develop a collaborative vision for using the land to meet multiple school district and community needs. The school district is seeking public input via a survey that is currently available on District Two’s website. The survey can be accessed here.

Superintendent Scott Stults said “it is essential to note that the district does not have any funding to dedicate for the construction or maintenance of a project, and that any facility constructed on the property would need to generate enough revenue to pay for its upkeep.”  Results from the online survey will be evaluated by the Capital Construction Committee over the coming months as part of their vision development process. The survey will remain open through Friday, October 22.

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Last modified: October 12, 2021

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