Final Decision Released on Sheridan Municipal Watershed Project

November 3, 2021

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Bighorn National Forest, Tongue Ranger District officials have released  the Final Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice for the Sheridan Municipal Watershed Project. The final environmental assessment was completed following the detailed Wildfire Hazard Assessment finalized by the State of Wyoming for the Goose Creek Watershed. Projects detailed in the final environmental assessment were designed to reduce fuel loads and restore aspen and riparian habitats within the municipal watershed. According to the Forest Service, this work will reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and the resulting sedimentation in the municipal watershed in the areas treated.

The project was cooperatively developed with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Wyoming State Forestry with input from the City of Sheridan, Sheridan Area Water Supply Joint Powers Board, and public comment to identify project components to treat approximately 15,000 acres within the 74,000-acre project area. Treatments include non-commercial thinning, commercial timber harvest, and aspen and riparian area restoration. The project also includes road maintenance and recreation infrastructure improvements. The project did not receive objections and implementation will begin in 2022.

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Last modified: November 3, 2021

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