Tammi Lindskov and Lynn Newsom with the Tammi & Lynn’s Redneck Vittles Display.
The spring Shop Hop in Clearmont was held on May 20 and 21. The chilly and windy weather hampered the participants somewhat, with less people than expected on Friday.
Tammi Lindskov, of Redneck Vittles in Arvada, said, “It was slow yesterday due to the weather.”
Many of the vendors set up in the old gym in the Clear Creek Recreation District building. Peggy Roadifer, one of the shop hop founders and owner of Windrose Pottery, said she liked the gym. “It is better here then the little rooms that we set up in last year.”

Kelly Betz, owner of Weeping Willow Designs, added that she felt the gym was a good place to set up for the Shop Hop.

The Clearmont Historical Center was open for book sales and a display of Roady’s Woodcraft by Wayne Roadifer. Ira Roadifer was on hand to sell the Clearmont Historic Group books and promote his upcoming historical tours of the Lower Powder River.

Several vendors, including Vintiques of Wyoming, Reislands Rustics and Hallie’s Gals, set up their displays in their businesses.
The Clearmont Community Church provided a lunch with pulled pork and roast beef, along with salads and desserts.

Merrilee Albers, owner of Vintiques of Wyoming, said “We had wind and rain and hail and snow yesterday, but today is better and people are coming out.”

Last modified: May 23, 2022