Fire ban on Game and Fish managed lands in Johnson and Crook counties

July 15, 2022

The Wyoming Game and Fish have announced that with the good grass growth this year and the chance of wildfire increasing due to drier conditions in late summer, the Game and Fish Department is implementing a fire ban on all Game and Fish Commission-owned or administered lands in Johnson and Crook counties. 

The ban is currently in effect for Johnson County and will begin at 8 a.m. on July 22, for Crook County.

Some of the areas included in the ban include the Wildlife Habitat Management Areas (WHMAs). The Game and Fish fire ban follows bans recently implemented by Johnson and Crook counties and the Bureau of Land Management in Johnson County.

While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt informed listeners that this is a typical move for the department as a fire on just one of the WHMAs would be catastrophic for big game in the region. 

C. Schmidt

As part of the ban, the following acts are prohibited on all Game and Fish Commission-owned or administered lands:

Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, charcoal grill, coal or wood burning stove.Smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material.Fires within established campfire rings are also banned under this regulation.Fireworks are always prohibited on Wyoming Game and Fish Commission lands.

For more information about the fire ban on Game and Fish Commission lands, contact the Sheridan Region Game and Fish Office at 307-672-7418. 

Information about fire bans on WGFD lands can be found here.
A map of statewide WGFD lands can be found here.

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Last modified: July 15, 2022

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