City to Consider Purchase of Asphalt Storage Silo and Slat Conveyor

August 30, 2022

The purchase of an asphalt storage silo is an item that will be soon be considered by the Sheridan City Council. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter  has the details.

Asphalt Storage Silo

The City of Sheridan on July 12 and July 19 advertised a request for proposals for a 100-ton asphalt storage silo with slat conveyor.  Bids were due on July 26 and one bid was received from Stansteel Used out of Louisville, Kentucky. Staff is recommending the City Council and Mayor Rich Bridger award the bid to Stansteel Used in the amount of $97,202. City Public Works Director Hanns Mercer said that due to crane rental and electrician fees for set-up, the total cost of the project is $107,452. Mercer talked about the benefits of the storage silo.

Hanns Mercer

Mercer said the purchase would be funded by the street department capital outlay machinery and equipment fund. The City Council will consider the bid award at their next regularly scheduled business meeting.

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Last modified: August 30, 2022

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