The Sheridan City Council, at their regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night, will be considering two resolutions to apply for National Historic Publications and Records Grants for the Sheridan Municipal Cemetery. Sheridan Mayor Rich Bridger says the goal of this project is to ensure that the records for the cemetery are properly preserved and maintained.
Mayor Rich Bridger
The City Council will also be considering a resolution authorizing Public Works Director Hanns Mercer to submit an application to the Wyoming Office of Outdoor Recreation for a grant in the amount of $500,000, for the Black Tooth Park all-inclusive playground equipment.
Mayor Rich Bridger
The Council will also be considering amendment #2 to the contract between the City of Sheridan and Interstate Engineering for the design of Kendrick Pool in the amount of $547,000 and a City property use agreement with Axe, LLC. The Council will meet Monday night at 7 in Council Chambers on the third floor of Sheridan City Hall.
Last modified: October 1, 2022