Sheridan Rec District About To Start Lifeguard Certification Class For Summer 2023 Season

March 28, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

There may still be snow on the ground, but now is the time to start thinking about the pool, and not just the indoor ones.

The Sheridan Recreation District is offering an American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification Class beginning Sunday, April 2nd at the Sheridan Junior High School Swimming Pool.

The registration deadline is Wednesday, March 29th and the cost is $120 to register.

Classes will run from 8am until 5pm on April 2nd and the two Sundays after the Easter Holiday.

Zach Stewart is the Rec District Program Supervisor.

He says on the first day of the class, participants must pass a pre-course swim test, which includes swimming up to 550 yards, treading water for up to two minutes and a timed retrieval event.

Once they pass, they’ll start work on other basic life saving techniques.

Zach Stewart

“They’re going to be working on water rescues in the shallow end of the pool and the deep end, how to distinguish between head injuries and how to assist people getting out of the pool, and then they build on those each and every class with different scenarios and different types of training to get people out of the pool safely and to perform any life saving mechanics with CPR, any additional first aid.”

Participants must be at least 15 years old.

Certifications are good for up to two years.

Click here for more information on how to sign up.

Last modified: March 28, 2023

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