Main Street Between Alger Street And Grinnell Plaza In Downtown Sheridan To Reopen

October 5, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

After three months, a section of Main Street in the heart of downtown Sheridan will reopen.

WYDOT and the City of Sheridan say Main Street between Alger Street and Grinnell Plaza, as well as the Main and Ginnell Plaza intersection will open on Friday, October 6th.

The section of highway had been closed since just after the 4th of July.

Main Street is still closed between Grinnell Plaza and Loucks Street.

Paving on those two blocks is scheduled to begin sometime between October 16th and 23rd and those blocks should reopen by the end of the month.

As for Main Street between Loucks Street and Coffeen Avenue, that section will be worked on next year beginning in April.

WYDOT says it’s too early to say, but it is possible those two blocks could be finished before next year’s Sheridan WYO Rodeo Parade, which could not be held on Main Street this year, due to all of the other road work earlier.

Last modified: October 5, 2023

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