WYDOT To Study Areas Along Coffeen Avenue And Brundage Lane In Sheridan

October 11, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

The Wyoming Department of Transportation will be studying sections of Coffeen Avenue and Brundage Lane within the Sheridan Urban Systems boundary city limits over the next few months.

Coffeen Avenue is a primary route through Sheridan and its major commercial area.

It connects downtown Sheridan to communities south like Big Horn, Banner, and Story through US Hwy 87.

Brundage Lane connects between the Sheridan County Airport, WY Hwy 332, Sheridan Avenue, Coffeen Avenue, I-90, and communities east like Ucross and Clearmont through US Hwy 14.

The purpose of the study is to identify safety and traffic concerns for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and any other road users.

The study will recommend improvements to Coffeen Avenue and Brundage Lane that will benefit local vehicle traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians in the community, as well as regional and tourist vehicle traffic that travel through Sheridan.

WYDOT is offering an opportunity for the citizens of Sheridan to help shape the future of Coffeen Avenue and Brundage Lane.

Your perspectives and feedback as people who live, work, or travel along these corridors will help identify concerns the project team can focus on and address when determining improvements.

To participate, an online presentation and survey is available on-line by Clicking here.

An Open House to discuss the project will be held on Tuesday, Oct 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Wyoming National Guard – 3219 Coffeen Avenue.

Coffeen Avenue from Main Street to Brundage Lane is scheduled to be repaved in 2028.

Last modified: October 11, 2023

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