Sheridan Commission OK’s Purdy Setback Variance

December 27, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

Sheridan County’s Commissioners have approved a request for a setback variance for Debra Purdy at 37 Whisper Lane in the Spirit Ridge Subdivision in Sheridan County.

According to the report from the Public Works Department, a 40×46 structure was recently built on the property without the required county building permit.

Once the applicant was informed of the need for a building permit, it was discovered that the 25-foot setback requirement could not be met as the building encroached 3.66 feet into the setback, requiring the variance.

County Planner Mark Reid discussed the issue further.

A public hearing was held on the issue where neighbors to the property spoke in favor of the variance.

After discussion by the commission, they voted to approve the setback variance.

Last modified: December 27, 2023

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