Clearmont Women’s Club Quilting Bee

March 11, 2024

News – Sheridan Media


The Clearmont Women’s Club held their annual quilting bee on March 9 at the Clearmont Community Center.

Amie Rowe, of the Women’s Club, talked about his year’s event.

She added that some of the quilts will be donated to the Clearmont After-Prom party.

One quilter, Jacqui Belus, was working on a quilt to be donated to the Clearmont Women’s Club for their raffle to raise funds for the Ann Roebling Scholarship Fund for an Arvada-Clearmont senior.

“It’s always a hit and the winner is always in love with it,” Women’s Club President Cheryl Roebling added. The drawing will be held at the annual Clearmont Day celebration. Contact any Clearmont Women’s Club member for raffle tickets.

Around 10 people attended the event, and there was a pot-luck dinner at noon for the quilters.

In the past, quilts have been donated to the Buffalo VA, the homeless shelter, and The Sheridan Foster Parent Exchange.


Last modified: March 11, 2024

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