Stifel Employees Donate to We the People

March 5, 2025

News – Sheridan Media


Jeffrey Tomlinson branch manager of Stifel, a wealth management and banking firm in Sheridan, recently announced that the employees at Sheridan’s Stifel office are proud to support the Sheridan High School “We the People” team with a $1000 donation.

Tomlinson is a SCSD#2 School Board Trustee, and he said he heard a presentation by History Teacher Mike Thomas and the students who are a part of the We the People team.

He said that they have donated to other local groups in the past, such as the food group.

Those pictured are: (Back: Patrick F. Johnson, CFP® (Stifel, Vice President/Investments), Briggin Bluemel(Stifel, CSA), Will Pellisier (Stifel, CSA), Doug Hockett (Sr. Vice President/Investments), Jeff Tomlinson (Branch Manager), Michael Thomas (We the People SHS Teacher))

(Front: Beki Speas (Stifel, CSA), Abbie Neuman (SHS Student), Sydney Zebroski (SHS Student), Lorenzo Cherry (SHS Student), Lincoln Robbins(SHS Student))


Last modified: March 5, 2025

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