A Look Back in Time: April 9, 1920

April 9, 2020

The Green Heating and Plumbing company of Lovell has been awarded the contract for the heating, plumbing and ventilating of the New Central school building in Sheridan. The amount of the successful bid was $27,850, which was the lowest of the three submitted.

The Sheridan Sporting Goods company at 117 North Main street opened its doors for business today.

Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Stuart of Beckton are spending the day in the city. They’re guests at the Sheridan Inn.

The Federal Bakery will have delicious apple turnovers Saturday afternoon. You’d better come early.

H. C. Jeffers was in the city yesterday from Dayton, attending to business matters.

Last modified: April 9, 2020

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