During the annual Wyoming Wool Growers Association conference this month, University of Wyoming Extension sheep specialist Whit Stewart announced the launch of the Wyoming Wool Initiative.
The initiative leads innovative research and programming that promote and expand Wyoming’s sheep industry. Its mission is to support producers, both directly and indirectly, in adding value to their wool, according to Lindsay Conley-Stewart, manager and project coordinator.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Director of Institutional Communication for the University of Wyoming, Chad Baldwin, told listeners a little about this new initiative.
C Baldwin
The Wyoming Wool Initiative is a nonprofit effort supported by UW’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, donations, Mountain Meadow Wool and other partners. Current programs include the Wyoming Blanket Project and inaugural Lamb-a-Year program. Both endeavors connect UW students with sheep industry professionals.
C Baldwin
To learn more about the Wyoming Wool Initiative, click here, or email woolinitiative@uwyo.edu. For producers interested in contributing to the Lamb-a-Year program, click here.
Last modified: July 29, 2022