A lot of work happens to appear effortless: commissioners thank those working to make elections happen

August 18, 2022

While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Sheridan County Commission Chair Lonnie Wright and Commissioner Tom Ringley congratulated the victors of the recent elections and wished the best to those who did not win. 

The commissioners also thanked the hard working men and women who work tirelessly behind the scenes during the elections to ensure they are secure, timely and accurate. 

Commissioner Tom Ringley.

Commissioner T. Ringley

In an email from Sheridan County Clerk & Recorder Eda Schunk Thompson, she writes the county had approximately 150 paid employees who served on Election Day. Each person is assigned a specific job and they are trained for that position such as:

-Election Equipment Delivery/Pick Up Staff who work for about two days.

-Election Judges working about a 14 hour day or longer at each of the 18 Polling Locations on Election Day.

-Election Runners – deliver supplies and help throughout the election day whenever there is a need.

-Election Greeters – assist at the larger combined polling locations to help direct voters and traffic.

-Absentee Board – processed the mailed-in and hand-delivered absentee ballots in the Election Office on Election Day.

-Absentee Polling Place Election Judges who manned the “early voting” polling location in the courthouse for the past 45 days, since July 1.

-Election Staff – have worked since March preparing for the Primary Election.

-IT Staff – have also worked since March preparing for the Primary Election.

-County Clerk Staff from the Recording and Vehicle Title Office – were all dispersed on Election Day around the county working in various election roles.

-Secretary of State Election Office – on call and on emails all day assisting the counties as needed and who await the final numbers at the end of the election day for each county to report to them all the unofficial results.

-ES&S – the Election Equipment and Software Vendor: on call and on emails assisting the counties as needed throughout the day and evening.

-Sheriff’s Office – assisted with the safe & secure transport of the sealed ballot bags to the courthouse.

-Last but not least: Brenda Kekich, election supervisor, and Kim Hein, Chief Deputy, who worked the longest day of all from about 5 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. on Election Day. 

Thompson also wished to remind the public, the Independent Candidate Filing deadline is Monday, Aug 29. The Candidate Filing for School, College, Conservation District is Aug. 10 – 29.

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Last modified: August 18, 2022

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