Clearmont Day Held On Saturday

June 25, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

The chill, rainy weather didn’t stop the annual Clearmont Day Celebration, held on Saturday, June 24. Although in most years the vendors set up in Branding Iron Park in Clearmont, due to the weather the vendors moved into the Clear Creek Recreation District gym.

The lunch this year moved into the community church, and a good crowd turned out to enjoy the free lunch and for Clearmont Day.

The fun run contestants canceled due to the weather, but the soap box derby and the duck race went on as scheduled. There were a few garage sales and people turned out to find slightly used treasurers.

Hesston Krause and his son, Casey

Acoustic music was provided by Hesston Krause, who plays lead guitar and pedal steel with the Terry Waugh Band.

This is his second year at Clearmont Day,

Kruase and his family run a cattle ranch near Spotted Horse, Wyoming. When asked about his music career, Krause had this to say,

Barry Crago and Caroline

Barry Crago House District 40 Representative, attended the event with his daughter, Caroline came down to chat with people and enjoy the day. He contrasted it with last year’s Clearmont Day.

Barry Cargo

Caroline added,

Caroline Crago

McKade and Brenda Bates

Some new vendors at Clearmont Day were Brenda Bates and her son, McKade. Brenda brought several flowers from her greenhouse and said this.

Brenda Bates

She said she had mostly petunias this year, and plants to go in hanging baskets, as well as a few other flowers.

McKade Bates

McKade does welding, wood working and fabrication. He had several metal and wood items on display at Clearmont Day.

Soap Box racers

Amy Rowe, one of the organizers of the day, felt it went well and was glad they had the ‘Plan B’ that was quickly put into action, moving the vendors inside.

Casey Ambler, winner of last year’s and this year’s soap box derby his grandad made the car for him.

There were two heats in the duck race, with first, second and third place winners in each heat.

Coming down the ditch

Sponsors for the events include the Town of Clearmont, Powder River Energy Corporation, Clearmont Fire District, Clearmont Community Center, Clearmont Community Church, and Clear Creek Recreation District.

Last modified: June 25, 2023

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