News – Sheridan Media
The purchase of four ½ ton pickup trucks was an item of consideration Monday night by the Sheridan City Council. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Council Considers Purchase of Four Pickup Trucks
The City Council approved the purchase of four ½ ton pickup trucks in the amount of $184,461. City Administrative Coordinator Heather Czaplinski says the trucks are for three different departments within the City.
Heather Czaplinski
Per Wyoming State Statute, if a city, town or joint powers board is unsuccessful in acquiring a bid as provided by this section, the city, town or joint powers board may proceed to acquire a vehicle or equipment for which the bid was sought through a solicitation process, provided that the cost of the vehicle or equipment to be obtained under this subsection shall not exceed $250,000.
Last modified: October 18, 2023