News – Sheridan Media
Jentel Artist Residency is inviting the public to brush off the snow and warm up by joining them for the first Jentel Presents of the year.
Jentel’s new cohort of residents come from all over the country to experience the beauty of Wyoming. Jentel Presents allows these artists to connect with our Sheridan community. This community outreach program, featuring visual presentations and readings by the residents at the Jentel Artist Residency, will take place from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.,Tuesday, Jan. 28, at the Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library Inner Circle in Sheridan.
Light refreshments will be provided. Jentel invites the public to bring their lunch and enjoy this presentation. Jentel Presents is open to all who wish to join.
This month’s presenters include Siana Smith from Saratoga, CA. A painter who immigrated from China in the early 1990s, Smith grew up during the post-Cultural Revolution, built a career in software engineering, and later embraced a passion for art.
MaryLouise Patterson from New York, NY; A nonfiction writer, Patterson is a retired pediatrician who practiced pediatrics mostly in the community. She comes from an activist family and is committed to bringing about universal health care.
Corinne Newbegin from Tarzana, CA. A comic artist and painter and self admitted military brat turned Angeleno. Newbegin mixed-race national park enthusiast who loves identifying ducks, collecting rocks, and singing karaoke.
Tyler Allen Penny from Brooklyn, NY. A poet, Penny is obsessed with forest thresholds, how sacred spaces are created, silence vs. isolation, and hosts many poetry reading series in NYC.
Kristopher Benedict is from Wallingford, PA. A painter, Benedict wears many hats in his professional and personal life, mostly to protect his pale balding head from the sun.
Christian Rieben from Kewaunee, WI. Also a painter, Rieben lived about a quarter of his life overseas. Rieben paints, gardens, and DJs in a fishing village on Lake Michigan.
Join Jentel as they host the next Jentel Presents on Tuesday, Feb. 25.
The Jentel Artist Residency offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. While at Jentel, visual artists, writers, and composers have the opportunity to experience unfettered time to allow for thoughtful reflection and meditation on the creative process in a setting that preserves the agricultural and historical integrity of the land.
Learn more by clicking here.
Last modified: January 23, 2025