News – Sheridan Media
The University of Wyoming Department of Music has launched a new bachelor’s degree program in music industry studies, which is designed to support music makers, entrepreneurs and recording studio engineers with the most in-demand skills in the music industry.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse, UW Director of Institutional Communications Chad Baldwin said the direction of degree development at the university has career building in Wyoming as a priority.
C. Baldwin
According to Baldwin, throughout this program, students have access to weekly recording studio time, take songwriting courses, learn all popular music instruments and gain production experience.
Those who enroll receive hands-on learning opportunities through internships, running sound for on-campus events and by recording themselves and others in UW’s professional recording studios. Students also learn how to put their own music on streaming platforms.
Courses that are part of the curriculum include “Songwriting Methods,” “History of Rock and Roll,” “History of Hip Hop,” “Life Sound Reinforcement” and “Recording Lab.”
All students complete a capstone project before graduation. These projects may include live sound, recording, and mixing and mastering tracks.
Learn more about this degree here. For more information, email Markley at
Last modified: January 23, 2025