[News From SheridanMedia.com]
The City of Sheridan will hire a firm to complete a classification and compensation study. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Classification and Compensation Study
In an effort to make sure they are paying competitive market wages, the City of Sheridan every three to five years hires a company to conduct a compensation study. April of 2018 is the late time a study was conducted. The City is in the process of hiring a firm for a new study. City Human Resources Director Heather Doke said they received three proposals from businesses to perform the study.
Heather Doke
Doke said Condrey and Associates intends to have the study complete in time for the City’s budget preparations.
Heather Doke
The contract that the City Council will be considering with Condrey and Associates to perform the study is in the amount of $27,500.
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Last modified: November 12, 2021