[News From SheridanMedia.com]
The Bighorn National Forest has announced that due to changes in staff, and the need to collect further information, the Tensleep Climbing Management Plan and Environmental Assessment project has temporarily been placed on hold.
Specialists will return to this priority once a permanent Powder River District Ranger is in place. Currently, there is no timeline for when the vacancy will be filled. Acting District Rangers have been filling in to ensure day-to-day work is completed.
This project proposes actions to manage climbing and recreation in the Tensleep Canyon project area while protecting natural resources and providing diverse opportunities.
The proposal includes improvements in parking and highway safety, establishment of system trails, staging area stabilization, management of dispersed camping, management of human and pet waste, protection of riparian and cliff dwelling habitats, protection of geological features, management of special use permits, and more.
Information from past meetings and scoping of the project is still available on the Bighorn National Forest’s website here.
Further questions can be directed to the Powder River Ranger District at 307-684-7806.
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Last modified: November 12, 2021