Governor Gordon Appoints Brian Schroeder Superintendent of Public Instruction

January 27, 2022

Governor Mark Gordon has appointed Brian Schroeder to be Wyoming’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. Schroeder replaces Superintendent Jillian Balow who resigned January 16 to become Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Virginia Department of Education. Under state statute the Governor is required to select one of three candidates submitted to him by the Republican Party Central Committee.

Schroeder has worked as a teacher and administrator in private schools in California, Wisconsin, Michigan and Wyoming and as a family and youth counselor. He most recently served as Head of School at Cody’s Veritas Academy, a private Christian school. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Maranatha Baptist University and holds a Masters degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University.

“I reviewed application materials and conducted interviews with all the candidates that came through the selection process, and after much prayer and careful consideration I have determined that Brian Schroeder is best-suited to fill the Superintendent’s position,” Governor Gordon said. “Brian demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that parents are intricately involved in their children’s education, just as it should be. I will work to ensure a smooth transition in leadership for the Wyoming Department of Education.”

“I am honored and humbled beyond words at this incredible opportunity to serve the students, teachers and parents of Wyoming,” Schroeder said. “I’ll do my best to help strengthen education for the future of our state.”

Schroeder will serve as Superintendent for the remainder of Balow’s term, which ends in January 2023. 

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Last modified: January 27, 2022

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