Science Kids and SCLT join forces to bring fun and learning

April 19, 2022

Science Kids is a 501(c)3 based out of Sheridan, dedicated to getting kids outside having fun and learning. The organization was founded in 2009, to provide the youth of Northern Wyoming with outdoor, science-education opportunities. 

According to Executive Director of Science Kids Dr. Julie Rieder, Science Kids often partners with other organizations to allow other opportunities to the children they serve. 

The Sheridan Community Land Trust is one of those partners that offers the largest biology lab in the Sheridan area to local children; the greater Sheridan area and the Bighorn Mountains with the collaborative UNPLUG with Discovery Sessions. 

While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Rieder and SCLT Director of Marketing and Development Chris Vrba told listeners about the many opportunities families will have in the coming summer season to get out and learn about the flora, fauna and Aves of the Sheridan Region by attending the UNPLUG sessions. 

The first of these upcoming opportunities will be the Herons at Home. A unique and shy bird, herons have established a rook nearby the City of Sheridan that families can observe and learn about with ecologist and avian expert Rieder. 

Rieder told listeners that although many people have not seen a Great Blue Heron, they are here in Wyoming. 

Dr. J. Rieder

Herons at Home will be 5 – 6 p.m. Thursday, April 28. SCLT asks that participants park and meet at the Sportsman’s Warehouse. Dressing for possible inclement weather is suggested as is bringing water. Limited binoculars are available. 

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Last modified: April 19, 2022

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