SCSD#2 Honors Outgoing Chair Susan Wilson

November 15, 2022

News – Sheridan Media

Sheridan County School District #2, at the November 14 meeting, honored Chairman Sue Wilson for her years of service at SCSD#2. Wilson taught as SCSD#2 for 33 years and served on the board for eight. She is retiring this year.

Trustee Ed Fessler had this to say about Wilson and her service during the past two years.

Superintend Scott Stults awarded her with a plaque for her service, and had this to add:

The board presented her with a trophy and a bouquet of flowers. Wilson talked some about her years as a teacher and some of the challenges that the board faced during the past two years.

Many of the other board members expressed gratitude for Wilson’s teaching of the students and of her service on the board.

In other business, the board recognized the technical staff at the schools and Ryan Schasteen, Technology Director honored members of the team, and talked about what they do and complimented them on their hard work.

The board also recognized the ‘behind the scenes’ staff at the central office, talking about what they do to keep the school district running smoothly. Wilson said they do the quiet work, saying that they make sure paychecks are out on time, work with ranchers to get beef for the lunch program, and field questions about the district.

Scott said he echos Wilson words with a “ditto,” and he added, “they run the office smoothly and seamlessly. Thank you so much.”

In his superintendent’s report, Stults also reported on the fall play “A Wrinkle in Time.” He said that students did a phenomenal job.

He also reported n a tour he had taken of the CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes at the high school, and how impressed he was with the many certificate classes, such as welding and Quickbooks that are available to the students that do not wish to attend colleges. He also said the school offers many internships as well, which gives kids ‘hands on’ experience.

He also encouraged parents to visit the school and be actively involved in the kids education, saying that students who have parental interaction do much better in life.

Wilson also thanked Stults for getting the band equipment down to Laramie for the band.

Wilson also mentioned that the board minutes are on the website and available to anyone who wants to see them.

Troy Decker gave a facilities update, talking about junior high students get a new video intercom system, its a record of who is coming in and going out. and six new doors were installed at Sagebrush.

He also talked about a new water system for irrigation on the high school grounds, as this is ground water, they are studying the feasibility of drilling wells or connecting with the city water.

Traci Turk talked about several policies that were in first and second readings. The policies were approved.

In other business the board heard from the principals of the secondary schools on what they are working on this year and how the improvement plans for each school is progressing. Principals of John C. Schiffer, and Sheridan Junior High and the Wright place talked about their schools and the culture of each school.

Mr. Dow talked about professional development training that the teachers are involved in. He added that the math team improved the WYTOPP scores.

Jesse Swanke, assistant principal and activities director said that starting in Jan they will be partnering with the WYO Theater to offer theater classes in the after school program.

The next meeting will be on Dec. 5, and the new board members will be sworn in at that time.

Last modified: November 15, 2022

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