Day Break gives caregivers a highly valued commodity 

February 4, 2025

News – Sheridan Media


The Hub on Smith is holding an open house event to give the public a closer look at one of the most valued programs. This event will provide families, caregivers, and community members a peek into the Hub on Smith’s Day Break program.

Community Engagement Coordinator Erin Kranz-Linden, Day Break Director Barb Blue and family caregiver Valerie Hovland made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the upcoming open house and how Day Break has brightened the lives and eased the concerns of so many. 

Day Break is an adult day care. With dedicated staff that offer support to older adults and their caregivers. But Blue said she looks at the program more like a social club with enough staff to focus and outline activities and engagement based on the individual. 

B. Blue 

Caring for an aging loved one comes with many challenges, and Day Break was developed by the Hub to help. Hovland has been taking her aunt to Day Break for a number of years and said she sees the difference in her awareness and behavior. And the program gives her something more valuable than just time to get things done. 

V. Hovland

The open house event will begin at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6. At the Hub on Smith. Learn more by clicking here.


Last modified: February 4, 2025

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