Sheridan County’s Commissioners have approved a $25.8 million budget for fiscal year 2022-23.
At their regular meeting this week, Administrative Director Renee Obermueller discussed the budget process with the commission.
According to the resolution, the county budget shows $4.3 million in cash (ARPA funds), $22.5 million in revenue, and $25.8 million in expenditures.
The county also has $12 million in general reserve funds, $5.9 million in ARPA reserve funds, and $4.7 million in other resrves/equity.
The commission held a public hearing on the budget Monday night, and Commissioner Terry Cram said he was surprised not to see some people in attendance.
The commission voted unanimously to approve and accept the 2022-23 budget.
To view the entire budget resolution,go to the county website here:
Last modified: July 21, 2022