On Wednesday, June 27, the Kendrick Mansion held their annual Evening at the Mansion. Warm, sunny weather encouraged around 100 people to attend the event. Sharie Shada,
Superintendent at Trail End, said how the event came about:
Games included croquet, Sorry, checkers and badminton, set up on the lawn. “All the games are pre-1960, and they are all games that the Kendrick children and grandchildren would have the opportunity to play.” Shada said. “The Kendricks played tennis and had a tennis court near the carriage house. But for today we set up badminton.”
Shada gave a brief history of John B. Kendrick and the mansion.
After John’s death in 1933 his widow, Eula Kendrick, lived at Trail End with their son, Manville and his family. After Eula’s death, Manville moved away, and the mansion stood empty.
In 1968, when there was talk about tearing it down, the Sheridan County Historical Society purchased it and ran it as a museum. In 1982, ownership was transferred to the State of Wyoming, and it is now a state historic site, open to the public.
A 1929 Model A Ford Roadster owned by Luke Knudson was on display at the mansion
The 13,748 square foot, three story mansion is built in the Flemish Revival style, and with its 30-plus authentically furnished rooms, it gives a glimpse of life during the period for 1913 to 1933, mainly through the eyes of the Kendrick family.
Knuckles Deschain and Evelyn Gernaat
Evelyn Gernaat was one of the musicians who provided music, and she has played at the Evening at the Mansion for four years.
There were also free tours of the Kendrick Mansion, antique cars, and cookies, lemonade and iced water. “Our friend’s group is serving the refreshments,” Shada said.
Attendees brought picnic suppers and lawn chairs to enjoy the evening.
Last modified: July 28, 2022