Expressions Gallery to Display Art at Farmer’s Markets

June 22, 2023

News – Sheridan Media

A first-time vendor this year at the Farmer’s Market at the new location on Whitney Commons will be Expressions Art Gallery and Framing. The Farmer’s market will be every Thursday from 5-7 p.m. throughout the summer.

Wanda Kerns, owner and operator of Expressions Art Gallery and Framing talked about their participation in the Farmer’s Market for the first time this year, and the location at Whitney Commons.

According to the news release, on select dates Expressions Art Gallery and Framing will be at the Farmer’s Market highlighting the incredible talent of local artists with a variety of mediums sure to please any taste.

On June 29th, local wood carver Roger Haight and his friends from the Big Horn Wood Carvers will be on hand to demonstrate their expertise. These are a fun group of folks who love to share their art with the community. Don’t miss the comfort creatures which are small carved animals you can hold in your hand when you just need a little extra support.

In addition to seeing the wood carvers, local artist Laureen Weaver will be there demonstrating her impressive talent with oil and acrylic painting. If you haven’t seen her art, this is a great opportunity to do just that and get to talk with her about her processes when creating.

On July 13, just in time for Rodeo Days, accomplished photographer Adam Jahiel of Story, WY will be on site to talk about his more than 40 years in the world of photography from his time taking historic pictures of the Titanic to his decision to move to the mountain West and dedicate years to documenting the real life of Western Cowboys.

Join Expressions Art Gallery and Framing on August 3 along with artists Paulette Kucera and Cindy Wiest.

Wiest’s talent is evident in her intensely moving watercolors, both paintings and greeting cards. It’s obvious when you see her work she is deeply inspired by the vibrant color and textures of nature and spirituality. Come and see her create some beautiful things on site.

Paulette Kucera’s fused glass, paintings and beautiful handmade weavings are definitely one of a kind and a must see. Paulette has a gift for capturing the beauty of colors in her own special style by utilizing natural light to enhance her designs. Whether a hand-woven tea towel, piece of fused glass, or her exquisite paintings, she has something that will touch everyone.

Kerns added this about the art

August 28th Expression Art Gallery and Framing will be finishing up the summer not only with a variety of art on display and for sale, but our expert framers will be on site to talk art preservation and current framing trends. Perfect for those needing to get that one special piece framed or restored.

If you’d like more information on art or framing, please visit Expressions Art Gallery and Framing LLC at 645 Broadway Street, Sheridan, WY; visit the website at to see the complete catalog of art and local artists and their incredible work or call 307-673-2878.

Last modified: June 22, 2023

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