[News From SheridanMedia.com]
According to The Food Group, the 501c3 was born as a grassroots effort of community members who were alerted to the plight of hungry kids in Sheridan County.
Recently, The Food Group has been operating a campaign to fill a small school bus full of food. This campaign asked Sheridan residents to donate food items during their regular shopping trips. Sponsors and The Food Group alike, were happy to report that between efforts at both Ridleys and Albertsons, 2600 pounds of food was collected.
During an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, The Food Group Executive Director Keri McMeans told listeners much of the donated food will be used in the Little Free Pantries that have been strategically placed throughout Sheridan and at the Tongue River Community Center. The first priority of The Food Group is to provide high protein, low sugar meals to kids for the weekend, leaving them ready to learn on Monday once they return to school. So, how long would 2600 pounds of food last in the Weekend Food Program?
K. McMeans
It’s because of a skeleton crew staff, a dedicated board, a lot of volunteers, the generosity of donors and Ridley’s Market that The Food Group is able to accomplish feeding hundreds of children a week.
Co-founder and Board President Arin Waddell.
A. Waddell
The Food Group has achieved great strides over the years. In the beginning they made small brown paper bag meals that Waddell admits weren’t the best as far as nutrition (but provided food to kids who may have gone hungry otherwise), to providing hundreds of kids a high-protein, low-sugar meal every weekend during the school year. Over the years, some programs worked and continued, others couldn’t draw the crowd McMeans hoped for. Both McMeans and Waddell said that through the years they have experienced failures, but that never stopped this tenacious little group of people from feeding thousands of hungry children and helping the learning process all along the way.
To donate, volunteer and learn more about The Food Group, click here.
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Last modified: October 11, 2021