[News From SheridanMedia.com]
The staff at the Johnson County Healthcare Center, in their reports to the board, said staffing issues are prevalent in each department and that there has been a significant uptick in COVID cases in recent weeks.
Staffing issues nationwide have arisen due to people in the medical profession leaving the field, and choosing not to return.
Looking for medical staff help has been difficult, even at the local level, and not just doctors and nurses but for reception, dietary and housekeeping positions.
CEO Luke Senden said he had heard at a recent conference of staffing issues everywhere, and the JCHC is not an isolated problem.
Senden said that by walking into any building in Buffalo anyone and see “Help Wanted” signs so staffing issues aren’t just affecting the healthcare industry.
He also said that he has recently seen staff laughing and in better spirits, and that he hopes COVID cases continue a downward trend in so staff can get a reprieve.
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Last modified: October 11, 2021